Chippewa Valley Line Research
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Chippewa Valley Line
Downloadable Documents

Track Profile
La Crosse & River Division
This has the entire Chippewa Valley Line from Wabasha, MN to Chippewa Falls WI / Menomonie, WI. Trevino, WI to Winona, MN. (This includes the Pontoon Bridge) Rev March 1959 [File Size 55.3MB]

Employee Magazine
The Milwaukee Road 1963
Marking 45 years on the LaCrosse Div.
Section Forman for the Chippewa Valley Line George Schulner. Page 38

Employee Magazine
The Milwaukee Road 1928
River Division - Working on the Chippewa Valley Line from Wabasha, MN.
Page 35

19th Annual Report
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad 1882
The purchase of the Chippewa Valley and Superior Railway Company. Page 10

20th Annual Report
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad 1883
The Chippewa Valley & Superior Division of the road has been extended. Pages 11,13

Passenger Timetable
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad 1887
Chippewa Valley Division 03-18-1887

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad
Chippewa Valley Line Chippewa Falls, WI Depot 08-30-1901

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad
Chippewa Valley Line Wabasha, MN Depot 08-26-1905

Postcard 1910
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad
Chippewa Valley Line Chippewa Falls, WI Union Depot 1910

Postcard 1910
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad
Chippewa Valley Line Chippewa Falls, WI Union Depot 1910

Lines Abandone
Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Pacific Railroad
January 1, 1945 thru December 31, 1977

Employee Magazine
The Milwaukee Road 1963
Rail - Bus Network Expands September 29, 1963. The Chippewa Valley Line
Page 7

Travelers Official Guide
Chippewa Valley and Superior Railway 1882
Railroads in course of construction.
March 1882

Railroad Commissioner
Chippewa Valley and Superior Railway 1882
Railway Construction in 1882.
Page xxiv

Travelers Official Guide
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway 1883
Chippewa Valley Division
Passenger Timetable - December 31, 1882
Page 222

Poors Manual
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway 1883
Purchase of the Chippewa Valley and Superior Railway

Railway World
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway April 28,1883
Chippewa Valley Line has been purchased from the Chippewa Valley and Superior Railway

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway 1909
Meeting the train at Reads Landing, MN 1909

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway 1910
View from Pontoon Bridge, Ice Breakers in foreground Reads Landing, MN in background. 1910

The Milwaukee Road News
The Milwaukee Road
Final days of the Milwaukee Roads
Operation of the Chippewa Valley Line
March 15, 1980

Expense Evaluation
The Milwaukee Road 03-09-1977
Trevino - Chippewa Falls 10/1/75-9/30/76
Eau Claire - Durand 10/1/75-9/30/76
PDF Pages 80,81

Travelers Official Guide
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
Chippewa Valley Division
Passenger Timetable - March 3, 1900
Pages 475, 479

Freight Train Timetable
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad 02-18-1957
3rd Sub Division
Winona, MN - Chippewa Falls, WI
4th Sub Division
Red Cedar Jct, WI - Menomonie, WI

Standard Atlas
Buffalo and Pepin Counties,
Wisconsin 1896
Buffalo & Pepin Counties Map
Trevino Station, Plumers Station, Maxville Station and Durand.

Standard Atlas
Nelson, Buffalo County,
Wisconsin 1896
Nelson, Buffalo County Map
Plumers Station.

Standard Atlas
Maxville, Buffalo County
Wisconsin 1896
Maxville, Buffalo County Map
Maxville Station.
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